Easter 2018

- 5:00 am

Today you get to see something related to this day. 😉 It’s something created by our enlarged 3D department. Can you guess what it is?

In addition to this small screenshot we want to update you about our progress with some numbers. They show how much is created for the CSP in one year. They are compared to numbers from March 2017.

March 2017 ⇨ March 2018

2.400 ⇨ 2.800 Threads (internal forums)
35.000 ⇨ 42.000 Beiträge (internal forums)
1,5 ⇨ 1,7 GB data

7200 ⇨ 8712 new objects
607 new NPCs (new category)
324 new monsters (new category)
690 ⇨ 931 new monsters and NPCS
26181 ⇨ 28.801 new lines of dialogues

1227 ⇨ 1150 deleted objects
47 ⇨ 90 deleted NPCs (new category)
66 deleted monsters (new category)
90 ⇨ 113 deleted monsters and NPCs


